About Robert Levey

Robert Levey will earn a PhD in Transformative Studies in early 2024 at the California Institute of Integral Studies. His doctoral research focuses on personal and societal transformation.

He has more than 15+ years of experience in marketing and development in leadership roles, complementing his varied academic background, which includes a BA (Philosophy), BS (Organizational Behavior), MA (English), and MBA.

Robert is a senior online adjunct faculty member at UNH College of Professional Studies where he teaches nonprofit marketing, fundraising & development, leadership, and other related subjects.

He has also served on numerous nonprofit boards, serving most recently as president of The Chase Home, one of the oldest nonprofit organizations in New Hampshire. He has led culture change projects at both the board and operational levels.

Robert Levey

My Personal Philosophy

Robert’s personal approach to business stems from his belief that Western society’s reliance on the hero’s journey as a useful conceptual metaphor for personal and societal transformation is outdated (and harmful). His doctoral research focuses on (re)discovering ways to conceptualize personal and societal transformation that invite diverse perspectives.

Does the world really need any more heroes? Is technology the only way for us to advance as a civilization? Is ‘advancement’ necessarily sustainable in a postmodern world in which truth and reality are understood as individually shaped by personal history, social class, gender, culture, and religion?

In applying an ecological sensibility to his work, Robert does not offer answers to any problem. Rather, he invites others to question themselves and the way(s) in which they have come to define the ‘problems.’

Curious about philosophy? Click the button and explore The Philosopher Files, an exploratory project of Exponential Squared.

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