Do you want to meet the challenges that hinder your understanding?

Today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving business landscape demands adaptability, strategic thinking, and the ability to navigate complex problems with compassion.

At Exponential Squared, we help you develop the kinds of questions that do not just unravel complexities, but enhance understanding.

Successful organizations understand that growth is a continuous journey as opposed to a single destination.

Areas Of Consultancy Expertise

Nonprofit organizations often operate within their own bubble with staff and board members deeply involved in the day-to-day operations and familiar with established processes.

While this level of involvement is essential, it can sometimes lead to tunnel vision and resistance to change.

In a concerted effort to understand your internal biases and preconceived notions, Exponential Squared can objectively assess your organization’s strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.

Board Training

Your board is the driving force behind your nonprofit’s success. However, without the proper guidance and skills, their full potential may remain untapped.

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An ineffective board can lead to a lack of strategic direction, poor decision-making, financial mismanagement, and difficulties in fundraising. An absence of accountability mechanisms and a failure to address diversity can further compound these issues. To mitigate these pitfalls, nonprofits must prioritize a diverse and skilled board, effective communication, ongoing training, and strong governance practices.


An effective marketing strategy can ensure that your message reaches a wider audience, sparks conversations, and ignites interest in your mission, services, or product.

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Nonprofits often struggle with marketing, whose activities are often rooted in budget constraints, limited resources, and the difficulty of quantifying social impact. Overcoming these hurdles requires strategic creativity, a clear brand identity, and adept use of cost-effective digital strategies to authentically engage supporters and communicate the organization’s mission effectively.

Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is a transformative journey that will position your organization for sustainable growth, greater impact, and continued success.

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The balance between short-term survival and long-term growth can be elusive. Strategic planning can help organizations prioritize key objectives, foster adaptability, and leverage available resources, all of which can enhance the effectiveness of strategic planning efforts for both small businesses and nonprofits.


Effective and sustainable fundraising requires a strategic and holistic approach that emphasizes donor engagement, transparency, and adaptability.

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Nonprofits grapple with multifaceted challenges in fundraising, including limited resources, intense competition for donor attention, economic volatility, and diverse funding sources that demand strategic management. Successful navigation of these challenges requires strategic adaptability, transparent communication, and a focus on sustained donor engagement.


Development is not just about building relationships, but your internal systems, processes, and infrastructure that can support your growth trajectory.
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Small businesses and nonprofits face unique challenges. Striking a balance between social impact and profitability is a delicate task for nonprofits, while small businesses contend with the complexities of how to stand out in crowded markets. To overcome these challenges, development requires a strategic and adaptable approach that maximizes available resources and embraces innovation.

Organizational Assessments

In the ever-changing landscape of the nonprofit sector, it is crucial to periodically evaluate your organization’s strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities.

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Organizational assessments can take various forms, including surveys, interviews, focus groups, and data analysis. The goal is to provide leaders and stakeholders with a comprehensive understanding of the organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, which can inform strategic plans for sustainable improvement and growth.

Our Philosophy

Exponential Squared's approach to business is steeped within philosophy, ecopsychology, Indigenous thinking, Systems theory, Organizational Development, Taoism, Buddhism, Ubuntu, and consciousness studies.

How does love inform business strategy? Click the button and discover this and other (un)related subjects in The Philosopher Files, an exploratory project of Exponential Squared.

Exponential Squared

Delivering unexpected value, care, and compassion in a world in active ecological crisis.


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